Discover the life-changing potential of memoir writing in a workshop designed to take you deeper into your heart and your past, to mine your own life for the stories that need telling. In a supportive environment, through writing assignments, sharing and discussion you will be taught how to write lively scenes, develop voice, make smooth transitions, to transform dialogue as it is really spoken to pared down, written dialogue with the ring of authenticity—for starters. You’ll create first drafts, receive feedback and instruction, and then re-write at least one piece, using techniques that invite the reader to experience vicariously what you lived. When we take the time to write about our lives, we see, as Gerard Manley Hopkins put it so eloquently, “The deep down of things.” Telling your story can be profound and transformative. All that is required is a strong desire and the courage to write the truth.
Location in Woodstock TBA.